Authors are invited to submit papers reporting on original, unpublished research and recent developments in areas related to the conference topics. Participants of the Automotive Safety Conference are given an opportunity to have their papers published in the conference proceedings or indexed journals.
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the book of abstracts.
Full papers can also be published in international indexed journals. Please note that the publication procedure and review process are specific to each journal.
- Routledge & CRC Press / Taylor & Francis Group
All accepted papers can be published as chapter in an online book. The content is hosted on the Taylor & Francis eBooks platform. More information about the Routledge and CRC Press can be found at
Full papers will go through a double blind review process. To submit a manuscript, log in to the conference website and follow the instructions. The cost of the paper publication process is 100 EUR. The conference fee does not include the cost of paper publication in the online monograph.
According to Poland’s Ministry of Education and Science, the publishing house is classified at level II (200 points). - MDPI Sensors:
A special issue of the Sensors journal entitled Sensors and Systems for Automotive and Road Safety (Volume 2) will be launched. The scope, topics and link to the journal issue can be found at MDPI.comPapers must be prepared in accordance with the journal’s editorial requirements. Information for authors is available at: MDPI.comThe regular cost of paper publication in the Sensors journal is 2600 CHF.
- Communications – Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina
The Communications – Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina Journal is a well-established open-access scientific journal aimed primarily at the topics connected with the field of transport.More information can be found at: komunikacie.uniza.skManuscripts must be prepared and formatted according to the journal’s manuscript guidelines available at: komunikacie.uniza.skPublication of a paper in the Communications – Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina journal is free of charge.
- The Archives of Automotive Engineering
The journal publishes research papers on a wide range of topics related to motorization and automotive engineering.More information can be found at: AAE JournalManuscripts must be prepared and formatted according to the journal’s manuscript guidelines available at: AAE JournalPublication of a paper in The Archives of Automotive Engineering journal is free of charge.
- LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics
The journal publishes studies related to basic and applied research in the field of transport, logistics and other associated sectors.More information can be found at: LOGIAll the details regarding the required structure of manuscripts to be submitted are indicated in the template file: LOGIPrior to submitting the manuscript to the editorial system, please send it to email address for preliminary screening. After approval, the authors can submit it to
The regular cost of paper publication in the LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics is 150€.
- Energies
Conference participants have the opportunity to publish papers in a special issue of the Energies journal titled New Trends in Hybrid Electric Vehicles.The scope, topics and link to the journal issue can be found at: MDPI.comManuscripts should be prepared and formatted according to the journal’s manuscript guidelines available at: MDPI.comThe regular cost of paper publication in the Energies journal is 2600 CHF.