Articles from Automotive Safety Conference 2020

Authors Title Link
Wach Wojciech Spatial impulse-momentum collision model in programs for simulation of vehicle accidents
Naveen Shirur, Christian Birkner, Roman Henze, Thomas M. Deserno, Darshankumar Dudhat Effect of Airbag Deployment Phases on Tactile Occupant Detection Sensor
Krzysztof Podkowski, Łukasz Okruch, Paweł Jasiński, Katarzyna Stańko-Pająk Strength numerical analyses of the construction of the PAWO autonomous high mobility platform
Dagmar Kopencova, Roman Rak Issues of Vehicle Digital Forensic
Sabri Alper Keskin, Erdem Acar, Mehmet Ali Güler, Murat Altın Crashworthiness Sensivity Analysis Of Axisymmetric Rectangular Crash Absorbers With Diaphragms
Jozef Gašparík, Peter Blaho, Lumír Pečený, Causality of accidents at railway-crossings in Slovakia and its prevention
Ondrej Stopka, Mária Stopka, Ján Ližbetin, Jakub Soviar, Jacek Caban Development Trends of Electric Vehicles in the Causality of accidents at railway-crossings in Slovakia and its prevention Context of Road Passenger and Freight Transport
Marián Gogola, Ján Ondruš Road safety perspective of small children
Zbigniew Lozia Can anything optimistic be found in the statistics of road accidents in Poland in 1975-2018?
Alica Kalašová, Kristián Čulík, Ambróz Hájnik Young Drivers and Their Risky Behaviour on the Roads
Branislav Šarkan, Juraj Hudec, Monika Kiktová The Analysis of the network of technical inspection stations for road vehicles and traffic accidents in Slovakia
Stanislav Kubaľák, Marián Gogola The accident rate of cyclists in the Slovak republic in bike-sharing system
Mysłowski Jaromir Two-wheel revolution – active and passive safety of users
Dalibor Barta, Tetiana Bazhynova, Оleksandr Kravchenko, Oleh Haievyi, Vladimir Pavelcik Neural Network Model Of Assessing The Technical Condition Of The Power Unit Of A Hybrid Vehicle
Arkadiusz Małek, Andrzej Niewczas Selected maintenance aspects of traction batteries in electric vehicles
Sergey German-Galkin, Dariusz Tarnapowicz Optimization of the electric car’s drive system with PMSM
Andrzej Bąkowski, Rafał Jurecki, Leszek Radziszewski, Paweł Świetlik Analysis of the relations between road vehicle traffic parameters and the number of road accidents in subsequent hours of the day – a case study
Jacek Caban, Paweł Droździel, Monika Stoma, Agnieszka Dudziak, Jan Vrabel, Ondrej Stopka Road Traffic Safety in Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic – statistic analysis
Michał Gruszczyński, Rafał Jurecki, Review of driving quality and vehicle safety indicators
Alica Kalašová, Ján Gaňa, Veronika Harantová, Kristián Čulík Restrictions Meaning in Road Transport
Jaroslava Kubáňová, Šimon Senko, Alžbeta Bieliková, Adriana Ďuranová, Eva Faturíková Safe and secure truck parking places in EMEA region
Radovan Slávik, Jozef Gnap Speed and Noise as a Problem of Safety in Residential Areas
Peter Medviď, Stanislav Kubaľák, Šimon Senko, Bibiána Poliaková Improving Transport Services In Košice By Introducing Preferential Measures
Krzysztof Parczewski, Henryk Wnęk An attempt to determine the value of forces acting on the wheel while overcoming road unevenness
Kristián Čulík, Ambróz Hájnik, Veronika Harantová Improving the Mobility of People with Disabilities
Miloš Poliak, Jana Tomicová, Juraj Hammer, Pawel Drozdziel Free access to the road transport market as a condition for the sustainability of road transport functionality in the European Union
Adela Poliakova Allocation of financial sources for road transport incidents decreasing
Józef Stokłosa, Artur Dmowski Exploitation efficiency of the car as a determinant for the commercial vehicle choice at long-term rental
Wojciech Zakrzewicz, Ewa Sys, Adam Mrowicki, Krzysztof Siczek, Przemysław Kubiak Safety issues for electric and hybrid vehicles
Juraj Hammer, Milos Poliak, Marek Jaskiewicz, Zdenek Riha, Borna Abramovic Probability of secure return of semi-trailers to the domicicle of the carrier, with regard to transport costs
Irina Makarova, Polina Buyvol, Gulnara Yakupova, Eduard Mukhametdinov, Anton Pashkevich Identification for Factors and Causes Affecting the Traffic Accident Severity
Mária Bridzíková, Vladimír Konečný, Štefánia Semanová Assessing the Impact of Transport Service Quality on the Demand of Passengers for Bus Transport. Application of the Assessment Methodology in the Žilina Self-governing Region in the SR
Ryszard Dindorf, Jakub Takosoglu, Piotr Woś Using of the brain activity of a disabled driver to exert a pneumatic actuator pressure on an secondary foot brake pedal during emergency braking
Mateusz Brukalski, Krzysztof Rokicki, Hubert Sar Application of CAN bus data in road tests of automobiles
Damian Frej, Emilia Szumska, Andrzej Zuska Analysis of the impact of a child seat mounting method on vertical vibrations affecting a child in a child seat
Grzegorz Ślaski, Zbyszko Klockiewicz, Krzysztof Dąbrowski Simulation investigation of individual bumps recognition posibilities for damping control and possible suspension performance improvements
Tomasz L. Stańczyk, Rafał Jurecki, Marek J. Jaśkiewicz, Andrzej Zuska, Emilia Szumska, Paweł Grabski, Damian Frej, Piotr Łagowski Braking performance tests for different types of vehicles
Damian Frej, Marek Jaśkiewicz, Dariusz Więckowski, Miloš Poliak Shoulder joint design of the anthropometric dummy used for crash tests
Jana Tomicova, Miloš Poliak, Marek Jaśkiewicz, Anna Rudawska, Natalia Lakhmetkina Impact of neutralization of transport documents on the safety of the road carrier
Michał Kekez, Leszek Radziszewski, Andrzej Bąkowski, Dariusz Kurczyński Short-term imputation of missing sound level data using selected computational intelligence methods
Dariusz Kurczyński Impact of RME biodiesel on the concentration of particulates and nitrogen oxides in compression ignition engine exhaust fumes
Piotr Łagowski Effect of the biofuel and injection timing on emission of Diesel engine DI
Anna Matuszewska, Marlena Owczuk, Izabela Samson-Bręk Current trends of biofuels use in transport
Ján Vrábel, Juraj Jagelčák, Jaroslav Čermák, Ján Ondruš, Jacek Caban Tracing of the dangerous goods and its tracking in the intermodal transport mode – the case study
Irina Makarova, Polina Buyvol, Gulnara Yakupova, Eduard Mukhametdinov, Anton Pashkevich Increasing The Transport System Safety By Creating A Comfortable Working Conditions For Truck Drivers
Ján Ližbetin, Maria Stopkova A case study into safety compliance within the road freight transport sector with regards to securing cargo
Joanna Rymarz, Anna Borucka, Andrzej Niewczas Evaluation of impact of operational and technical factors on the downtime of municipal buses based on the linear regression model
Monika Stoma, Jacek Caban, Agnieszka Dudziak, Andrzej Kuranc Chosen Aspects Of Road Traffic Safety Management System
Izabela Krzysztofik, Zbigniew Koruba Dynamics And Control Of The Gyroscopic Head Used For Laser Illumination Of A Ground Target From The Quadcopter Deck
Piotr Woś, Ryszar Dindorf Bricklaying Robot Lifting And Levelling System
Andrzej Bąkowski, Leszek Radziszewski Descriptors Of The Urban Noise At Night
Arkadiusz Małek, Rodolfo Taccani, Dariusz Kasperek, Jacek Hunicz Optimization Of Energy Management In A City Bus Powered By Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Anna Matuszewska, Marlena Owczuk, Izabela Samson-Bręk Biorefinery Systems As A Key Element Of Sustainable Development – Part 2. Technology Readiness Level Of Existing Solutions And Their Impact On The Environment
Piotr Łagowski Injection Parameters and Concentrations of the Exhaust Gas Harmful Components in Diesel Engine Powered by Plant-derived Fuels
Dariusz Kurczyński Effect of RME biodiesel on the diesel engine consumption fuel and emission
Michał Warianek, Kazimierz Lejda Influence of the Fiat 0.9 TwinAir compressed natural gas engine on the environmental safety of its use
Hubert Sar, Mateusz Brukalski, Krzysztof Rokicki Simulation of curvilinear motion of automobile including two-degree-of-freedom flat model,118620,0,1.html
Hubert Sar, Mateusz Brukalski, Krzysztof Rokicki Research On Curvilinear Motion Of Automobile With The Application Of On-Board CAN Bus Data
Pavol Kohút, Ľudmila Macurová , Miroslav Rédl , Michal Ballay Application of rectification method for processing of documentation from the place of road accident,122288,0,1.html
Jaromir Mysłowski Nowoczesne rozwiązania w bezpieczeństwie czynnym i biernym użytkowników jednośladów
Ryszard Dindorf, Jakub Takosoglu, Piotr Woś Study On A Brain-Controlled Pneumatic Actuator To Assist Emergency Braking Of A Vehicle
Piotr Zdanowicz, Marek Guzek Diagnostic On-Vehicle Shock Absorber Testing
Damian Frej, Andrzej Zuska, Emilia Szumska


Laboratory tests of the control of the method of using child seats for the vibration comfort of the children transported in them
Andrzej Bąkowski, Leszek Radziszewski


Analysis Of Selected Parameters Of Traffic At The National Road During Several Years Of Operation, On A Section In The City
Mateusz Ziubiński, Leon Prochowski, Mirosław Gidlewski Wpływ składowej dynamicznej siły nacisku kół jezdnych na bilans energii podczas czołowo-bocznego zderzenia samochodów
Paweł Droździel, Rafał Wrona, Iwona Rybicka Errors In Controlling Cars Cause Tragic Accidents Involving Motorcyclists
Rafał Jurecki, Tomasz Lech Stańczyk Analysis of how to drive under different road conditions
Jozef Paľo, Ondrej Stopka On-Site Traffic Management Evaluation And Proposals To Improve Safety Of Access To Workplaces
Piotr Fundowicz, Hubert Sar, Mateusz Brukalski Modelling of wheels’ normal reaction forces of automobile in steady-state curvilinear motion
Emilia Szumska Comparative Life Cycle Analysis Of Hybrid And Conventional Drive Vehicles In Various Driving Conditions
Wojciech Zakrzewicz, Adam Mrowicki, Przemysław Kubiak Nonlinear method of precrash velocity determination for Mini car class-B-spline tensors products with probabilistic weights,119525,0,2.html
Jacek Caban, Andrzej Kuranc, Branislav Šarkan, Agnieszka Dudziak, Monika Stoma


Emission Of Selected Exhaust Gas Components And Fuel Consumption In Different Driving Cycles
Anna Matuszewska, Marlena Owczuk, Izabela Samson-Bręk Biorefinery Systems As A Key Element Of Sustainable Development – Part 1. Classification Of Systems And Their Importance In The Circular Economy
Leon Prochowski, Mirosław Gidlewski, Karol Zielonka Analiza możliwości agregacji statystycznych miar zagrożenia wypadkowego podczas oceny porównawczej regionów w Polsce